The Zeni Veri tools assist customers to verify the physical and
electrical integrity of Integrated Circuits. They offer both flat and
hierarchical design verification methods. Flat Veri is best for
verifying small to large databases, hierarchical Veri is best for
verifying large hierarchical databases. The Zeni Veri tools operate on
rule files which support other industry
standard verification tools. The figure below shows flat Zeni Veri tool

Zeni DRC
The main objective of
Design Rule Check (DRC) is to achieve a high overall
die yield and reliability for the integrated circuit being designed.
Zeni DRC is a full-featured design rule checking tool and an important
part of Zeni’s complete suite of physical verification tools. It
provides designers with the capability to check and identify design
rule errors, and achieve the full correctness of IC layout. Not only is
Zeni DRC fast, it also supports three running modes, offering customers
great flexibility to perform design rule checking: Online Mode, Batch
Mode and Interactive Mode. Online mode enables designers to check for
drc errors and remove any violations while working on the layout.
Zeni DRC’s command file is easy to write, and
fully compatible with Dracula format. It supports importing error files
from third-party verification tools such as Dracula and Calibre. Zeni
DRC has an easy-to-use interface. Designers can set breakpoints at any
time and rerun the verification process. Zeni DRC can take GDS or
Zeni’s internal layout format as design input, and generate output in
GDS, ASCII or binary format. All these features give customers
unparalleled capability to efficiently locate and eliminate design rule
errors, and greatly reduce the time spent on layout design.
Zeni HDRC performs checks on layout geometries in a fully hierarchical
manner. With the dramatic increase in the size and scale of today's
ICs, flat verification applications cannot meet the perfoemance
requirements on large designs. Unlike flat verification applications
that completely flatten the input database, Zeni HDRC maintains the
database hierarchy and exploits this hierarchy to reduce processing
time, memory usage and DRC error counts. On most large designs,
significant speed improvements can be realized by using Zeni HDRC.
Zeni HDRC supports an extensive set of design
rules, including conjunctive rules. The DRC commands are technology
independent, and include logical operation commands, sizing commands
and spacing commands. Zeni HDRC can also accepts industry standard hierarchical command files.
These can be compiled and directly executed, without any changes or
Zeni ERC
Zeni ERC can check the design layout for multiple types of electrical
rule violations, including open circuits, floating nodes, invalid
devices, improper VDD/GND connections, and others. It is especially
useful in finding shorts between global signals, and makes debugging
these errors quite convenient.
Zeni ERC's command file is fully compatible with
Dracula format. Like the other VERI tools, it can be run in online
mode, batch mode, or interactive mode. Zeni ERC can run independently,
or with Zeni LVS.
Zeni LVS
Layout versus Schematic (LVS) is an essential part of the physical verification process,
ensuring correctness of the design layout. Zeni LVS compares the drawn layout geometries
against the schematic, using the corresponding CDL or SPICE netlist
files. It compares the connectivity at the device level, and all device
subtypes and device parameters can be compared and matched. It can also
be used for LVL and SVS purposes. Zeni LVS's command file is fully
compatible with industry standard command file formats.
Zeni's unique graphical debug tool, LDX, creates
a schematic representation of the circuit that is equivalent to the
physical layout. This allows the original schematic to be compared
side-by-side with the "layout schematic" and facilitate easy debuging
during LVS.
Email us with any other questions you may have:
1: Dracula is a registered trademark of
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
2: Calibre is a registered trademark of
Mentor Graphics Corporation
3: Hercules is a registered trademark of
Synopsys, Inc.